Poster Ivangorod

What was filmed in Ivangorod

Nestled along the Narva River, Ivangorod boasts a rich history and captivating medieval architecture, making it a striking backdrop for various filming projects. Directors are drawn to Ivangorod's imposing fortress, which stands as a testament to the city's strategic importance throughout the centuries. Its weathered stone walls and towers evoke a sense of timelessness, perfect for historical dramas, fantasy epics, or even music videos seeking a dramatic flair. Beyond the fortress, Ivangorod offers picturesque views of the river and the neighboring Estonian city of Narva, adding to the location's versatility. Filmmakers can find inspiration in the contrast between the old and new, capturing the essence of a city steeped in history yet evolving with the times. Interestingly, Ivangorod's unique location allows for diverse filming opportunities, often doubling for other European settings due to its architectural blend of Russian and Estonian influences.

Shooting locations in Ivangorod

Movies and Series made in Ivangorod

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