Постер к "21"

Where was 21 filmed


Year: 2008

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller

Country: USA

<p>The movie &quot;Twenty-One&quot; was filmed in Boston and Las Vegas, USA. Locations were chosen for a reason, Harvard, where the story teaches Mickey Rose is in Boston, so for realism most of the locations outside the casino were filmed in Boston and its suburbs. And the casino, of course, was filmed in Las Vegas, as there is the largest number of poker games and tournaments.</p>

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  • Ben's workplace

    In movie

    Scene where Ben bicycles through half of Boston and stops at his job. He has taken a part-time job as assistant manager at the Atelier, where they make suits. He needs the job to pay for his college tuition.


    Scene was shot in the real J press atelier, unfortunately this place is closed permanently and you can only visit the building where they rented the space. It is a red brick building located near Harvard University.

  • Caesars Palace

    In movie

    Scene where Ben and Jill check out and have a drink at the bar before heading up to their suite to spend the night together. Their room has a gorgeous view and we see the fountains of the Belagio Casino and the Caesars Palace casino buildings.


    Scene was shot at the giant Caesars Palace Casino, Hotel and Resort. This is probably the biggest casino-hotel in Las Vegas. Its view is a trademark of the city, and for that it gets featured in a huge number of movies and this one was no exception either.

  • Hard Rock Hotel and Casino

    In movie

    Scene where After a successful trial in Chinatown, Ben flies to Las Vegas to take part in his first big and serious game. He takes a plane and then rides in a limousine to the Hard Rock Hotel, where he meets the entire team except Mickey.


    Scene was shot at the real Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas. This is probably the most legendary casino and hotel in the city. His big neon guitar flashed in hundreds of movies, so the creators of "Twenty-One" could not avoid the location and decided to use it in the movie. By the way, the creators were in time, because a few years after filming the institution closed for good.

  • Illegal casino

    In movie

    Scene where Ben goes on his first test assignment - to count cards and win money in an illegal casino in Chinatown. To do this, he walks through Boston's Chinatown, turns into a back alley and, after giving the password to the smoking Chinese man at the entrance, gets inside, where he immediately notices his partner Choi.


    Scene was shot in Boston's Chinatown, it's a passageway between 68th and 70th Beach Street. It is located right next to the gate to Chinatown - it is a large Asian-style gate that marks the boundary of the neighborhood. By the way, in reality, the passage between the houses is closed by gates and you can't get into the alley from this side of the street.

  • Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino

    In movie

    Scene where the team decides to visit Planet Casino for the second time. Ben enters the hall, where all the other participants are already sitting at the tables and counting cards. Jill gives him a sign that it is worth starting the game at her table and with the help of a secret dialog conveys the current score of the game. Everything goes well, but the guards begin to suspect that they are working as a team.


    Scene was shot in the real casino, Casino Planet is a large casino and hotel complex, legendary enough that the creators also included it in the list of hotels that Mickey's team "rips off". The hotel used to be called the Aladdin, but then it was bought out by another casino that is in this movie, Caesars, and they renamed the whole complex.

  • South Street Diner

    In movie

    Scene where Ben, Mickey and the whole team gather in the evening in a small diner on South Street. Over a cup of coffee they try to prepare Ben for his first game and explain to him all the intricacies of card counting and teamwork. All of this is necessary to keep the casino from figuring them out, so some serious preparation is required.


    Scene was shot in a real diner on South Street. The director almost nowhere changes the names, signs and interiors of the establishments (Usually all names are changed), as it is important for him to show Boston, its culture and Harvard mood in every scene of his movie, evoking nostalgia in people who studied there and the right mood in people who have never visited the city.