Постер к "A Wrinkle in Time"

Where was A Wrinkle in Time filmed

A Wrinkle in Time

Year: 2018

Genre: Adventure, Fantasy

Country: New Zealand, USA

<p>A Wrinkle in Time was filmed in Los Angeles &amp; Eureka in the United States of America and Queenstown in New Zealand.</p>

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  • Alley

    In movie

    Scene where Meg tells Charles Wallace to stop talking with strangers while they are out walking their dog Fortinbras and they are greeted by a stranger sitting in his back yard.


    Scene was shot

  • Camazotz Beach

    In movie

    Scene where The world transforms once again into a beach filled with people and the kids encounter Red who offers them food before taking Charles Wallace.


    Scene was shot

  • Camazotz Suburb

    In movie

    Scene where The three kids follow the smell of food to a strange suburb which tries to draw them inside.


    Scene was shot

  • James Baldwin Middle School

    In movie

    Scene where Meg muddles her way through her day until she gets into a fight with her bully Veronica during recess.


    Scene was shot

  • Meg's Bedroom

    In movie

    Scene where Meg finds herself unable to sleep during a loud storm and heads downstairs.


    Scene was shot

  • Mrs. Who's House

    In movie

    Scene where Charles Wallace leads Meg and Calvin into a strange house and introduces them to Mrs. Who who speaks only in quotations.


    Scene was shot

  • Murry House

    In movie

    Scene where Meg's father shows her some science and then reassures her about the arrival of her new brother. Later, Charles Wallace invites in a strange woman and then the family has a meal with Calvin.


    Scene was shot

  • NASA Center for Advanced Space Technologies

    In movie

    Scene where Meg's parents give a presentation on their theory but are laughed out of the room.


    Scene was shot

  • Street

    In movie

    Scene where Charles Wallace and Meg run into Calvin while walking the dog and he compliments Meg on her throwing arm.


    Scene was shot