Poster Batman Begins 2005

Where was Batman Begins filmed

2005, Drama Action Crime
Filming country: USA United Kingdom Iceland

The movie is set in the fictional city of Gotham City. New York, London and Chicago acted as a combined image of this dystopian city. Also some of the city's interior locations were created at England's Shepperton Studios in Surrey. And the iconic Wayne mansion is Mentmore Towers, located 32 miles from London in Buckinghamshire. Part of the movie takes place in Tibet. It was “played” on the screen by Iceland with its incredible landscapes and picturesque glaciers.


In movie

Scene where The messenger Rasal Gula tells Bruce Wayne about the League of Shadows, and after that the hero goes on a journey. He finds a rare blue flower that he needs to carry to the top of the mountain. After picking the plant, he moves on.
Clock iconTiming: 00:06:00


Scene was shot on the Vatnajökull glacier in Iceland. The authors of the movie used the island to recreate Tibetan landscapes. There, on the glacier, the film crew built a village, a road and the exterior of the Ra temple, namely the gate.

Opera House

In movie

Scene where little Bruce and his parents attend a performance at the opera house. As the opera progresses, actors dressed in bat costumes appear on stage, Bruce becomes frightened and asks his father to leave the theater. He agrees and the family promptly leaves the performance.
Clock iconTiming: 00:14:00


Scene was shot at London's Garrick Theatre. The theater is a national heritage building and its interior retains its historic identity. The film team needed a theater that emphasized the high status of the Wayne family. The Garrick Theatre, whose history dates back to the 19th century, became just such a place.

Wayne Enterprises headquarters building

In movie

Scene where Bruce and his parents are riding the monorail. His father tells him that the city has fallen on hard times, so their company has built a cheap public transportation system that connects the entire city. At the center of this system stands the Wayne Tower.
Clock iconTiming: 00:11:00


Scene was shot in Chicago. The famous Wayne Tower acted as an equally famous in reality building of the Chicago Board of Trade. This skyscraper is a landmark of the city. Considering that many locations of Chicago were used for visualization of Gotham City, it would be an omission not to show this monumental building on the screen.

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