Постер к "Bridesmaids"

Where was Bridesmaids filmed


Year: 2011

Genre: Comedy, Romance

Country: USA

<p>Bridesmaids was filmed in Los Angeles in the United States of America.</p>

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  • Annie's Apartment

    In movie

    Scene where Exterior establishing shot of Annie's Apartment is one of the few places really in Milwaukee, WI.


    Scene was shot

  • Bar

    In movie

    Scene where The interior of the bar where Nathan and Annie go after her failed trip to Vegas.


    Scene was shot

  • Belle en Blume

    In movie

    Scene where Exterior of the bridal shop.


    Scene was shot This former Bank of America building was constructed in 1921 and used as the bank’s headquarters until 1972. Designed by the firm Schultze & Weaver, the classic venue is now used for weddings, galas, and filming.

  • Cholodecky's Jewelry Store

    In movie

    Scene where Exterior only of where Annie works.


    Scene was shot

  • La Sirenita

    In movie

    Scene where Brazilian Steakhouse where the girls get food poisoning.


    Scene was shot

  • Market

    In movie

    Scene where Annie runs into Nathan at the market and shares a bag of carrots out front.


    Scene was shot

  • Sheffield Hunt Club

    In movie

    Scene where Helen's Country Club—where the engagement party and wedding reception take place.


    Scene was shot

  • Ted's House

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot See more details on the house from zillow

  • The Harris Estate

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot Constructed in 1928, this 16,600 square-foot was designed in the Tudor/Gothic Revival style by famed architect Paul Revere Williams. Read more detail about the house on zillow.

  • The Harris Estate (driveway)

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot