Постер к "Cocktail"

Where was Cocktail filmed


Year: 1988

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance

Country: Canada, Jamaica, USA

<p>Cocktail was filmed in Toronto in Canada, New York in the United States of America, and in Jamaica.</p>

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  • Cell Block

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot

  • Cemetary

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot

  • Hysteria

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot

  • Jamaican Club

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot

  • Jerry's

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot The Lakeview is an old-school diner which opened in 1932 which maintains its classic look making it a popular filming location.

  • Jordan's Parents' Lobby

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot

  • Jordan's Parents' Penthouse

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot A gothic revival mansion constructed in 1914 for Sir Henry Mill Pellatt for a princely sum of $3.5 million. After passing through a number of owners, the city seized the property in 1933 and it was soon leased by the Kiwanis Club for 74 years. The mansion is currently available for tours.

  • Pat's Place

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot

  • University Classroom

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot

  • University Registration

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot Knox College was founded in 1844 as a postgraduate theological college associated with the Presbyterian Church of Canada. It moved in to its current neo-gothic building 1915.