Where was Get Him to the Greek filmed
Get Him to the Greek
Year: 2010
Genre: Comedy
Country: USA, United Kingdom
<p>Get Him to the Greek was filmed in New York, Los Angeles, & Las Vegas in the United States of America and London in the United Kingdom.</p>
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John F. Kennedy International Airport
In movie
Scene where
London Concert
In movie
Scene where
New York Hotel
In movie
Scene where
In movie
Scene where
Pinnacle M&A Records
In movie
Scene where
Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino
In movie
Scene where
In movie
Scene where
In movie
Scene where
Ring Round Music Video
In movie
Scene where
Scene was shot Hatfield House was constructed in 1611 for Robert Cecil and has remained in the Cecil family ever since. The house was constructed from the bricks of the former Royal Palace of Hatfield which was mostly torn down to allow its construction. The house is an example of Jacobean architecture and is surrounded by extensive gardens.
Snow's Home
In movie
Scene where