Where was Goldfinger filmed
Year: 1964
Genre: Action, Adventure, Thriller
Country: USA, United Kingdom
<p>Goldfinger was filmed in Miami in the United States of America and in the United Kingdom.</p>
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Golf Course
In movie
Scene where
Scene was shot The mansion at Stoke Park was constructed in 1788 by designer James Wyatt for John Penn. In 1908 the estate was purchased and turned into the UK's first country club with the course designed by Harry Colt.
Mountain road
In movie
Scene where Tilly aim to the Goldfinger but she nearly shoots Bond.
Scene was shot at the turn of the road towards Bern.
In movie
Scene where Felix Leiter is looking for a James Bond at the hotel pool. They talk about his next mission.
Scene was shot at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach, a 4-star hotel in Miami Beach.
Switzerland Car Chase
In movie
Scene where
Scene was shot Black Park is a 618 acre park located in Buckinghamshire. The park is popular with films due to its easy accessibility, flat landscape with relatively little undergrowth, and convenient location right next door to Pinewood Studios.