Постер к "Inés of My Soul"

Where was Inés of My Soul filmed

Inés del alma mía

Year: 2020

Genre: Drama

Country: Spain

<p>In&eacute;s of My Soul was filmed in Granada &amp; C&aacute;ceres&lrm; in Spain.</p>

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  • Castillo de La Calahorra

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot Castillo de La Calahorra was constructed in 1512 and is one of the first Italian Renaissance castles built outside Italy.

  • Plaza de Santa María

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot One of the three squares in the Old Town of Cáceres, the square is built atop the location of a ancient Roman forum and houses the Catedral of Santa María, the oldest church in the city. Surrounding the square are numerous fortress- and palace-houses built between the 15th & 18th centuries.