Poster Internal Affairs 1990

Where was Internal Affairs filmed

1990, Drama Thriller Crime
Filming country: USA

Internal Affairs was filmed in Los Angeles in the United States of America.


In movie

Scene where Avilla rushes home.


Scene was shot The 3rd Street Tunnel was constructed in 1901 to bring traffic between Flower & Hill Streets underneath downtown Los Angeles. The tunnel is located a block to the south of the more photogenic 2nd Street Tunnel and offers a simpler concrete appearance. The tunnel is one-way, entering under the Angelus Plaza Building and exiting through a unique rounded concrete portal.
Los Angeles

Police Station

In movie


Scene was shot The Los Angeles City Hall is a 32-story office building constructed in 192 and was the first dedicated city hall for Los Angeles. The building was designed in an amalgam of styles and kept from deliberately invoking any one in particular. Due to the city charter limiting building heights the tower was the tallest building in Los Angeles until 1964.
Los Angeles

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