Where was Star Trek: Discovery filmed
Star Trek: Discovery
Year: 2017
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama
Country: Canada, Iceland, Jordan
<p>Star Trek: Discovery was filmed in Toronto & Hamilton in Canada as well as in Iceland & Jordan.</p>
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Aga Khan Museum
In movie
Scene where Michael has a vision of her graduation from the Vulcan Science Academy where Sarek makes a decision that changes her future in episode 1x06 “Lethe”.
Bluffer's Sand Beach (Bluffer's Park)
In movie
Scene where Saru and Michael travel to Saru's home looking for information on the red angels and discover his sister is now the village priest in episode 2x06 “The Sounds of Thunder”.
Cherry Beach Park
In movie
Scene where Airiam rewatches a video of herself and her husband on their honeymoon just before the accident that claimed his life and left her in critical condition in episode 2x09 “Project Daedalus”.
Scene was shot Situated on the southern edge of Toronto’s industrial Port Lands, Cherry Beach is a pleasant refuge away from the city with calm and warm water. Along the back of the beach are a thin stretch of woods housing the Martin Goodman Trail.
In movie
Scene where Michael and Booker walk on a rock above a waterfall on their way to the Mercantile in episode 3x01 “That Hope Is You, Part 1”.
Scene was shot
Hearn Generation Plant
In movie
Scene where The crew builds the mousetrap in an abandoned facility and prepare to use Michael to capture the Red Angel in episode 2x10 “The Red Angel”. Pike questions Dr. Burnham, Michael confronts her mother, and Georgiou plants a device to intercept the data download in episode 2x11 “Perpetual Infinity”.
Scene was shot The Hearn Generating Station is a decommissioned power plant originally built for coal back in 1951 and converted to natural gas in the 70s. The plant was shut down in the 80s and the site has sat largely unused since then. Most of the equipment inside the plant was scrapped in 2002 when the site was slated to be turned into a film studio, but those plans were eventually abandoned.
Hilton Falls
In movie
Scene where Michael, Saru, and Ash travel through the forest towards the antenna but get sidetracked by a strange blue haze which they follow to a small building in episode 1x08 “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum”.
Kelso Conservation Area
In movie
Scene where Michael works on the antenna to send the signal to the Discovery but Saru arrives to try to stop her in episode 1x08 “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum”.
Knox College (U of T)
In movie
Scene where Pike travels down to the reclusive Klingon monastery to retrieve a time crystal and is faced with a terrible vision of his future in episode 2x12 “Through the Valley of Shadows”.
Scene was shot Knox College was founded in 1844 as a postgraduate theological college associated with the Presbyterian Church of Canada. It moved in to its current neo-gothic building 1915.
Lafarge Quarry
In movie
Scene where Michael explores the planet Spock led her to and discovers a woman who seems to know Spock in episode 2x08 “If Memory Serves”.
Skylight Steelworks
In movie
Scene where Georgiou and Michael pose as buyers looking for salvage while searching for Book and the black box in episode 3x06 “Scavengers”.