Постер к "The Wedding Planner"

Where was The Wedding Planner filmed

The Wedding Planner

Year: 2001

Genre: Comedy, Romance

Country: USA

<p>The Wedding Planner was filmed in San Francisco &amp; Los Angeles in the United States of America.</p>

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  • City Hall

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot

  • Golf Course

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot

  • Japanese Garden

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot The oldest public Japanese garden in the USA which opened in 1894 for the California Midwinter International Exposition. Maintained by the Hagiwara family until 1942 when they were forced into an internment camp by the government, the garden fell into disarray until it was rebuilt in 1953.

  • Park

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot

  • Wedding Venue

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot A plaza constructed in 1894 for the California Midwinter National Exposition. The square is capped at one end by the distinctive Spreckels Temple of Music.