Where was A Bridge Too Far filmed
A Bridge Too Far
Year: 1977
Genre: Drama
Country: Netherlands
<p>A Bridge Too Far was filmed in Netherlands.</p>
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Bovenstraat Bronkhorst The Netherlands
In movie
Scene where Kate ter Horst and her family see the allied forces arrive in their town.
Scene was shot on the road into town along the hills and meadows.
Chapel Street
In movie
Scene where John Frost and his men are welcomed by the Dutch.
Old City Hall
In movie
Scene where General Von Runstedt arrives at the headquarters of the German Western Front.
Rhederoord Mansion
In movie
Scene where Bittrich tells Model it is wise to blow up the bridges.
Scene was shot in a large mansion on the outskirts of De Stig, Netherlands.
Waal Bridge - Northside Tunnel
In movie
Scene where Major Cook and his men are taking the Waal Bridge by force.
In movie
Scene where Major Cook and his men are waiting for the boats.