Poster A Knight's Tale 2001

Where was A Knight's Tale filmed

2001, Comedy Historical Adventure
Filming country: Czech Republic

Despite the location of the movie, the plot takes place mainly in France and England, as well as some other European cities, but the shooting took place entirely in the Czech Republic, namely in Prague. For this purpose historical objects were used, which were masked or remodeled. It is a common practice to shoot medieval Europe in the Czech Republic - it is cheaper, and Czech castles are very well preserved. 

London Bridge

In movie

Scene where William and his team take a ferry to London, on the way remembering how on a similar ferry his father once brought him to Sir Hector and asked him to be his squire. They arrive for the tournament and in the next shot we see the knights follow the London Bridge into the city.
Clock iconTiming: 01:33:37


Scene was shot in the Czech Republic, on the Charles Bridge. The actual footage of the bridge was altered using computer graphics to create a London Bridge with stores and houses that used to be located along the bridge. An interesting fact is that from the weight of these structures, which were uncontrollably erected by the residents themselves, the bridge eventually collapsed.
Prague Charles Bridge

The tournament

In movie

Scene where there is a break in the jousting tournament, during which William discovers that his lord Hector has died under a tree. He doesn't know what to do, but decides to perform in his place to get the reward. Here Roland has his doubts, but eventually decides to pull the scam.
Clock iconTiming: 00:03:20


Scene was shot west of Prague, in the Czech Republic, near the village of Otroczyny, where about 500 people live. Here quite large wooden scenery was erected especially for the filming of this movie. The castle that we see in the background is not real, but was added with the help of computer graphics.

Notre Dame Cathedral

In movie

Scene where William, wearing a decent camisole, goes to Notre Dame Cathedral to meet Jocelyn. At this point, she and her servants wash their hands in holy water and go deep into the church to admire the stained glass windows.
Clock iconTiming: 01:16:41


Scene was shot and the appearance of the Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris is again in the Czech Republic, Prague, and St. Vitus Cathedral was perfect for this purpose. But the cathedral itself does not resemble Notre Dame completely, but only in separate details, so you can notice that the cameraman in the frame chose a rather unusual angle, shooting William from bottom to top, to capture a close-up of only a separate piece of St. Vitus Cathedral.
Prague St. Vitus Cathedral

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