Постер к "Andrew Shack – Port Place"

Where was Andrew Shack – Port Place filmed

Andrew Shack – Port Place

Year: 2023


Country: Russia

<p>The clip was released in support of the single Port Place which was filmed in the Sevkabel Port Cultural Center. Starting from the central entrance, going around the main shop on the left, closing the shoot at the legendary club &quot;Masts&quot;. The task was to shoot the clip in a legendary, super recognizable place of St. Petersburg, a little bit quirky, which, in fact, can be observed.</p>

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  • Sevkabel Port

    In movie

    Scene where the protagonists move around Sevcable territory.


    Scene was shot on the territory of the Sevkabel Port public space, both street territory and locations inside the main building were involved in the shooting of the clip.