Poster Bremenskiye muzykanty 2024
Бременские музыканты

Where was Bremenskiye muzykanty filmed

2024, Comedy Adventure
Filming country: Russia

The geography of filming is very extensive and covers a large number of Russian regions from the Moscow region to Dagestan, including Chechnya and Ingushetia. This is dictated by the fact that almost all the shooting was on location, including on specially erected sets, and Bremen and its surroundings are located in mountainous terrain. 

The Troubadour's house

In movie

Scene where The troubadour runs home, where he then sings to the flowers


Scene was shot on Lake Gizhgit, near the village of Bylym. Judging by the color of the mountains in the film and in reality, they applied a strong color correction and repainted the rocks in a more red color.

The fields near Bremen

In movie

Scene where The troubadour and the princess run after the carriage with the musicians, and then they all ride in it together.


Scene was shot in Kabardino-Balkaria

The road through the dunes

In movie

Scene where The carriage with "The Bremen Musicians" rides on the dunes.


Scene was shot in the reserve on the Dagestan Sarykum barchan in the Kumtorkalinsky district.

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