Poster Captain Marvel 2019

Where was Captain Marvel filmed

2019, Action Adventure
Filming country: USA

Captain Marvel was filmed in Los Angeles in the United States of America.

Lebanon Street

In movie

Scene where Fury's car does a little jump as he drives out of an alley while trying to beat the train to the station.


Los Angeles

Go-Kart Race

In movie

Scene where Young Carol crashes off the court during a go-kart race.



Mountain Road

In movie

Scene where Vers and Fury chat while driving out to the Project Pegasus base.



Project Pegasus (tunnel)

In movie

Scene where Fury and Vers drive down a long tunnel to Project Pegasus and Fury gives her a S.H.I.E.L.D. hat as a disguise.


Scene was shot A pump storage plant that is part of the Big Creek Hydroelectric Project located 1,100 feet beneath the ground. The Eastwood facility was constructed between 1983 & '87 to stockpile electricity in water pumped to a higher elevation during times of low demand. The station is connected to the surface by a mile-long tunnel.Sources: Los Angeles Times, Edison International, Locations Hub

Edwards Air Force Base

In movie

Scene where Carol Danvers and her colleague Maria Rambeau are on their way to their planes.


Scene was shot Edwards Air Force Base is a United States Air Force installation located in southern California, about 22 miles (35 km) northeast of Lancaster and 15 miles (24 km) east of Rosamond. Previously known as Muroc Air Force Base, Edwards Air Force Base is named in honor of Captain Glen Edwards (1918–1948). It is the home of the Air Force Test Center, Air Force Test Pilot School, and NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center.

Project Pegasus (gate)

In movie

Scene where Fury presents his ID at the gate to the base and Vers asks him if he ever goes by any other name.




In movie

Scene where Vers, Yon-Rogg, and the rest of the team search the planet for their missing spy.



In movie

Scene where Fury turns the corner and races after the train.


Los Angeles

Bicycle Jump

In movie

Scene where The Supreme Intelligence shows Carol a memory of her 13-year-old self crashing after attempting a bicycle jump.


Culver City

Douglas Station

In movie

Scene where Vers leaps onto the back of the train that the Skrull is trying to use to escape.


Scene was shot Douglas is an elevated light rail station on the Los Angeles County Metro Rail Green Line. The station is an island platform near the corner of Douglas Street and Park Place. The original name for this station was Douglas/Rosecrans and it may still be used in some places. This station was renovated in 2006 as part of street improvements in the area.
Los Angeles

Shaver Lake

In movie

Scene where Carol Danvers crashes with her plane.


Scene was shot Shaver Lake is an artificial lake on Stevenson Creek, in the Sierra National Forest in California. The lake was formed with the construction of Shaver Lake Dam, which was built by Southern California Edison and completed in 1927. At elevation 5,500 ft (1,700 m), several smaller streams also flow into the lake, and it receives water from the underground tunnels. The town Shaver Lake is located on its south-west shore.

7th Street / Metro Center

In movie

Scene where Carol Danvers is looking for someone in the metro station.


Scene was shot 7th Street/Metro Center, officially 7th Street/Metro Center/Julian Dixon, is a metro station in the Los Angeles County Metro Rail system located in the Financial District of Downtown Los Angeles.
Los Angeles

Baseball Diamond

In movie

Scene where The Supreme Intelligence shows Carol a memory of herself falling to the ground after almost being hit by a ball during a baseball game.


Culver City

Subway Station (exterior)

In movie

Scene where Fury crashes his car after realizing he is driving with an imposter and shortly thereafter Vers emerges from the subway and jogs away.


Scene was shot Civic Center/Grand Park, formerly Civic Center, is a subway station in Los Angeles. The station is officially named Civic Center/Grand Park/Tom Bradley after former Los Angeles mayor Tom Bradley, who had a pivotal role in turning the subway into reality. This station is served by the Red Line and the Purple Line.
Los Angeles

Project Pegasus (records)

In movie

Scene where Vers and Fury find the records for the test flight crash and Vers finds a photograph of herself that she doesn't remember. Also, they find a cat.


Los Angeles

Sip n Surf Internet Cafe

In movie

Scene where Vers looks up the bar she saw in her memories and then steals some new clothes and a motorcycle.


Los Angeles

Subway Station (interior)

In movie

Scene where Vers searches around the station for the Skrull she was fighting but cannot find them.


Los Angeles

Downtown Street

In movie

Scene where Fury races his car through downtown hoping to get to the subway station before the train.


Los Angeles


In movie

Scene where Fury takes a hard turn around the corner while chasing after the train as it approaches the tunnel.


Los Angeles

Under the Train Tracks

In movie

Scene where Fury is following the train when a piece falls off and hits the hood of his car.


Los Angeles

The Slow Club

In movie

Scene where Vers is reporting back to Yon-Rogg with her hacked-together holographic communicator when she is approached by Nick Fury, agent of S.H.I.E.L.D..


Los Angeles

Blockbuster Video

In movie

Scene where Vers crashes through the roof of a video store, spends the night rigging up a communicator to send a message to Yon-Rogg, and then has a chat with local human Nick Fury.


Los Angeles

Pancho's Bar (interior)

In movie

Scene where Vers has a vision of herself partying with Maria when the Skrulls proper her mind and later she tracks down the bar only to find Fury already waiting for her.



USAF Ropes Course

In movie

Scene where Carol tries to make a jump between two ropes during basic training and falls to the sand below.


Culver City

Training Room

In movie

Scene where Vers spars with Yon-Rogg and tries to get her to control her emotions and defeat him without her powers.


Scene was shot Eagle Rock Substation was constructed in 1923 by Southern California Edison and is popular due to its Art Deco architecture and open interior.
Los Angeles

Crash Site

In movie

Scene where Vers has an unclear dream of a crash and firefight that she cannot remember while awake.



In movie

Scene where The Skrull emerge from the water after landing on Earth and take on the forms of several beachgoers.


Los Angeles

Subway Tunnel Entrance

In movie

Scene where Vers blasts a hole in the top of the train and jumps inside just before it enters a tunnel.


Los Angeles

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