The series, which is a reboot of The Horror Story series from the 90's, was filmed in and around Vancouver, Canada, although the action takes place in the city of Port Lawrence, it is a fictional city and does not exist in reality.
Harbour Stop Coffee
In movie
Scene was shot at the Deep Cove North Shore Yacht Club's rental cabin.
In movie
Scene where In the third episode, "The Cuckoo Clock of Doom", where the people James deceived go underground.
Scene was shot In the Mining Museum of Britain, it is made on the site of an old mine and visitors can go underground and see how everything was organized in mining in the past. We chose the location as it is very convenient to shoot abandoned dungeons here.
Port Lawrence Wharf
In movie
Scene where opening shot of the camera flying over the marina
Scene was shot at the Deep Cove Yacht Club in North Vancouver.