Постер к "Land of Legends"

Where was Land of Legends filmed

Сердце пармы

Year: 2022

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Historical

Country: Russia

<p>The historical drama &ldquo;Heart of Parma&rdquo; was filmed in the most beautiful places of the Perm region, which will surely inspire viewers to go there after watching it. The plot of the movie unfolds in the XV century, during the accession of Perm the Great to the Moscow principality. The main character is the Perm prince Michael, who seeks to protect his land and keep his love for a pagan witch-lamia named Tichert. The main base of the film crew was the city of Gubakha, from where the team traveled to the filming locations. In the fall of 2018, in Verkhnyaya Gubakha and in the vicinity of the village of Usva, the creation of sets for the film &ldquo;The Heart of Parma&rdquo;, based on the novel by Alexei Ivanov, began.</p>

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  • Dead Parma

    In movie

    Scene where a detachment sent by the prince observes a ritual conducted by a Vogul shaman. During the ritual, the warriors plan to sacrifice three Russian prisoners. Ukhvat, the leader of the Ushkuyniks, does not dare to intervene, as his main goal is the statue of the Golden Baba. At an opportune moment, they kill several participants in the ritual, as well as a she-wolf who turns out to be a werewolf, and take the idol with them.


    Scene was shot in the "Stone City", a natural monument and one of the most famous sights of the Perm Territory. The rock massif is pierced with deep cracks, which gives it the appearance of an ancient city with many streets and alleys. According to legends, this "eternal city" was created by the White-Eyed Chudya, a mythical people of the Urals (according to one version - Voguls), who went underground into a hidden cave world.It is no coincidence that this very place became the basis for the most fantastic location - Dead Parma, a mystical pagan refuge of the strongest Vogul shamans.

  • River

    In movie

    Scene where Ticherty lives with her nanny, who brings her up, gives her advice and tries to convince her that she should marry Khakan Asyku. However, the princess refuses to become the wife of the one who killed her father. In the scene by the river we can see all the beauty of Ticherti, learn about her disposition and views.


    Scene was shot on the Usva River is a right tributary of the Chusovaya River, 266 kilometers long. The name "Usva" can be interpreted in different ways: in Komi language it means "noisy flying water", and in Mansi language it means "narrow river". The picturesque banks and the gurgling fast flow of water appealed to the film crew. Today the Usva is a popular place for rafting enthusiasts, especially between May and September.

  • Ust-Vym

    In movie

    Scene where Prince Ermolay makes a round of the local market, with care asks fishermen about their catch and checks the progress of construction works. At this time young Tichert arrives in the settlement, declaring that she is ready to pay tribute in furs for her father - Cherdynsk prince Taneg.


    Scene was shot in the Kholodny Log Nature Reserve. There they recreated a unique historical complex: a wooden fortress 84 meters long, a temple, cells and a monastery hill - an exact copy of what the town of Cherdyn was like in the XV century.