The movie follows the life and career of Michael Jackson from his childhood in the 1960s to his final weeks before his death in 2009. According to the California Film Commission, principal photography was scheduled to begin in mid-2023 and last 80 days in Santa Barbara, California. Filming was delayed in September 2023 due to a strike and continued on January 22, 2024.
In movie
Scene where Michael plays the piano with inspiration. His fingers gently but confidently touch the surface of the keys. From the window you can see a pleasant natural landscape, everything is filled with music and tranquility. You can see how he is immersed in the process and fully gives himself to the music.
Scene was shot at the Neverland Estate in California. It is an iconic location, perfect for filming due to its unique blend of nature and luxurious architecture. The atmosphere there simultaneously conveys magic, inspiration and mystery. Located in the picturesque hills northwest of Santa Barbara, the ranch offers many different areas suitable for filming a movie.
In movie
Scene where We see a gorgeous, grand estate. Swinging the doors open, Michael bursts into the room, practicing one of his legendary dances. Even while rehearsing at home, he is wearing a gleaming black jacket and patent shoes.
Scene was shot At Havenhurst, the Jackson family estate in Encino, California. This home has come to symbolize the history and heritage of the Jackson family, especially during the period when they were at the height of their popularity. Havenhurst is a spacious Tudor-style mansion built in the 1940s. The house is surrounded by a high fence and dense vegetation, providing privacy from the outside world. There are many trees, flowerbeds, lawns and cozy paths on the grounds.