The movie “The Big Game” (2017) tells the story of Molly Bloom, a former skier who, after an injury sustained at the selection for the Olympic Games, moves to Los Angeles. Here she starts working as an assistant to a Hollywood businessman who gets her involved in organizing private poker games for celebrities. The main shooting of the movie took place in the U.S. and Canada, a few scenes were filmed in China. In Toronto, the scenes reflecting the life of Molly Bloom and her path to success in the world of poker were created: the city provided a variety of locations that helped to create the atmosphere of both luxurious gambling establishments and more down-to-earth moments in the life of the protagonist. But the bulk of the filming took place in New York, where Molly faced new challenges: the city became an important backdrop for the story, as it is here that she interacts with powerful players and criminal elements. In addition, Collingwood and Beaver Valley, Ontario, where the story centers on a skiing competition. These locations help reflect Molly's sporting past and her transition to organizing poker games.
Hotel Plaza
In movie
Scene where Molly Bloom returns to New York City and stays at the Plaza Hotel. She moves her poker games to this upscale hotel, hoping to attract new customers and create a successful business. At the hotel, she installs equipment similar to that used in casinos and begins organizing games for the rich and powerful, but soon faces new challenges, including conflicts with the Russian mafia and "Player X", a powerful player in the poker world.
Timing: 01:08:42
Scene was shot at the famed Plaza Hotel, located at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Central Park. Opened in 1907, this luxury hotel has become a symbol of elegance and status, attracting high-profile guests and celebrities. The Plaza's French chateau-style interiors epitomize a world of wealth and glamour, making it the perfect location for Molly's poker games. The choice of the Plaza Hotel as her primary location in New York also emphasizes Molly's ambition and drive to succeed in the world of gambling.
New York
Hotel Plaza
Charlie Jeffrey's attorney's office
In movie
Scene where Molly Bloom, the main character, arrives at the office of attorney Charlie Jeffey. This scene serves as the starting point for the entire story and the beginning of her story about how she became the organizer of some of the most expensive poker games in the world. Molly shares her memories of how she came to this point, starting with a skiing injury and her desire to start a new life in Los Angeles. A scene in the lawyer's office sets the context for later events, showing how her life has changed since her arrest and charges.
Timing: 00:16:17
Scene was shot in the Citigroup Place office skyscraper in Toronto, Canada. Filming in Canada is often done because of the lower production costs compared to the US, as well as tax incentives for the movie industry. This allows producers to save money and utilize quality locations to create the right atmosphere. Thus, although the film is set in the US, shooting the office scenes in Canada provided an opportunity to efficiently realize the project given the budget and available resources. The interiors of the building create the feel of an upscale legal space, which is in keeping with Charlie Jeffie's status as Molly Bloom's lawyer.
Walman Rink
In movie
Scene where Molly comes to the skating rink in Central Park after her arrest. After her arrest, Molly finds herself in a difficult situation, deprived of all her fortune and surroundings. While walking home, she hears sounds from the rink and decides to visit it in search of solace. While skating, Molly remembers her athletic past as a skier and begins to race around the rink despite the guards' remarks. That's when fate leads her to meet her father. Seeing him, she crashes into another visitor and is asked to leave the place. Together with her father, they sit down on a nearby bench and begin to discuss their family problems.
Timing: 01:50:50
Scene was shot at the Walman Rink in Central Park. This skating rink is one of the most famous and picturesque places in New York City, making it an ideal location to convey the atmosphere of the city. In the context of the story, the rink symbolizes both joy and sadness. For Molly Bloom, who was once a successful skier, ice skating becomes a moment of nostalgia and reflection on her lost dreams and opportunities. It's a place that allows the audience to see her inner struggle and quest to recover from a fall. The atmosphere of the ice rink, surrounded by the winter scenery of Central Park, provides the perfect backdrop for this emotional scene, emphasizing Molly's loneliness and hopes.
New York