Постер к "Noel"

Where was Noel filmed


Year: 2004

Genre: Comedy, Romance

Country: Canada, USA

<p>The Christmas drama Noel was filmed mostly in Montreal, Canada, with the exception of a scene shot at the South Street port in lower Manhattan. At the time, Hollywood was actively moving north, outsourcing many movie projects to Canada. Producers believed that on screen, Vancouver could pass for middle America, Toronto and Montreal could replace New York, and Calgary could resemble the West. Despite Canada&#39;s spectacular vistas, movie producers were more interested in the production benefits, such as cost subsidies and digital effects discounts offered by the Canadian government.</p>

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  • A street in New York City

    In movie

    Scene where The main character, Rose (Susan Sarandon), walks through the decorated town, passing a large Christmas tree where a choir sings Christmas songs, creating a magical atmosphere. Rosa stops by a store on Fulton Street to look at the festive displays. She has several presents in her hands and is in high spirits. On the way she meets an old acquaintance from school, they exchange a few words, reminiscing about their school days, and then Rosa continues on her way, hurrying on her way.


    Scene was shot Fulton Street in Manhattan. Fulton Street is a busy street in lower Manhattan, known for its historic buildings and proximity to the financial district. The scene was shot here because Fulton Street, with its holiday lights and storefronts, perfectly captures the atmosphere of Christmas New York and sets the tone of the movie perfectly.

  • Nina's parents' house

    In movie

    Scene where Policeman Mike (Paul Walker) arrives at the home of Nina's (Penelope Cruz) parents and calls her to come downstairs. Nina, surprised by his visit, asks why he's here. Mike replies that he wants to reconcile and win her back, but is willing to accept whatever she decides because she is most important to him. He confesses that his jealousy is not caused by her behavior, but by his own fears and distrust related to his job as a police officer and the fact that she is too good for him. Mike tries to sort out his feelings and make peace with Nina, saying that he is ready to accept any decision she makes. He asks her to think about it and make a decision that is best for both of them. Nina, with tears in her eyes, agrees and watches him leave without telling him that she is pregnant. This scene is important to the movie because it shows the deep personal feelings of the characters and their attempts to cope during this magical time of year. The choice of this house adds realism and depth to the scenes, emphasizing the familial and romantic aspects of the story.


    Scene was shot in an apartment building at 3417 Rue Sainte-Famille in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. This house was chosen for filming for several reasons: firstly, the house on Rue Sainte-Famille has architectural features typical of New York buildings, which allows for an authentic New York Christmas atmosphere. Secondly, the building was honored as “”Heritage Building of the Year“” in 1998. Its Victorian architecture and spacious, light-filled rooms create a unique atmosphere that is perfect for family scenes.

  • Street

    In movie

    Scene where Nina (Penelope Cruz) is walking down the street when a police car pulls up beside her. The cop, Mike (Paul Walker), stops and asks if she needs a ride. They chat sweetly and flirt, Mike offers to drop her off and take her for a ride around the block. Nina replies that she's already seen everything here, but gets in the car anyway. In the next scene, we see them in bed and realize that they are a bride and groom getting ready to get married. This scene is important to the movie as it shows the romantic relationship between Nina and Mike. Their meeting on the street and subsequent conversation in the car emphasizes their closeness and love, creating a warm and festive atmosphere typical of Christmas movies.


    Scene was shot Filmed on Union Avenue in Montreal, mimicking a Christmas New York. Montreal was chosen for filming because of its architectural similarity to New York and lower production costs.

  • The bar where Nina and Rosa went

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot at the Walkers restaurant on Varick and North Street in Manhattan. This restaurant is still open to this day and is still available to visit. It is a classic New York restaurant with a cozy atmosphere that is perfect for creating a Christmas mood. Its interior and location help capture the spirit of New York City, which is important for a movie set in this city.