Постер к "One Piece"

Where was One Piece filmed

One Piece

Year: 2023

Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy

Country: Italy, South Africa

<p>The main filming locations for the One Piece series are the film studio in Cape Town and also Italy, where almost all of the location shooting took place.</p>

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  • Logtown Cove

    In movie

    Scene where the pirate Gold Roger is to be executed. The scene takes place 22 years before the main events.


    Scene was shot in the bay of the Italian city of Sorrento, its appearance practically did not require the use of computer graphics, as you can see in the pictures - only the modern pier was smudged, the rest was left in pristine condition.

  • Logtown's main square

    In movie

    Scene where A crowd gathered in Logtown's main square to watch the execution of pirate king Gold Roger


    Scene was shot in the cathedral square of Florence, Italy. Some of the buildings have been added with computer graphics, such as the main world government building.

  • Sea

    In movie

    Scene where the action takes place on the water, including shooting of the ship, water battles, restaurant, where the whole crew first had dinner, then got into a fight and ended with a challenge to a duel. The duel scene itself and a large number of shots with general plans.


    Scene was shot at the Cape Town Film Studios in South Africa. It has the necessary large and deep pools, as well as the ability to build the necessary scenery. The team decided not only to use computer graphics, but also to build entire locations, as it makes the world of the series more lively and interesting.

  • Shells Town

    In movie

    Scene where showing the exterior of Shells Town and the 153rd Marine Division headquarters


    Scene was shot in Positano is an Italian village with a very interesting view. But not without computer adjustments, as you can see some of the buildings were added and the colour of the houses was changed.