Poster Shot Caller 2017

Where was Shot Caller filmed

2017, Drama Thriller Crime
Filming country: USA

The events of the crime drama unfold in the United States, the state of California, but only a small part of the movie was filmed there. Mostly everything was filmed in Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was cheaper and organizationally easier that way. Access to correctional facilities was an important factor, because the director wanted to shoot the incarceration scenes in real prisons. In California, it was difficult to get permission for this because of the overcrowding of correctional facilities with inmates.

Chino Maximum Security Prison

In movie

Scene where there is a prisoner riot at California's maximum-security facility, a state prison for men located in the city of Chino. It is a violent spectacle that looks like a senseless act of violence. The riot demonstrates the power of prison laws over the will of the inmates. We see Jacob go on a deliberate killing spree just to keep himself alive.
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Scene was shot a correctional facility in Santa Fe County, New Mexico. In 1980, Block 4 was the site of one of the bloodiest inmate riots in U.S. history. It resulted in more than 33 deaths and more than 200 injuries. In 1998, this part of the prison was closed and is now called the Old Main Jail.

Los Angeles County Jail

In movie

Scene where after the car accident, Jacob is taken into custody. In these scenes we see him talking to his lawyer and talking to his wife. The lawyer advises him to plead guilty and promises a lesser sentence. The wife does not agree that Jacob deserves to be punished and asks him to fight in court.
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Scene was shot in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the West Side Jail, which has served a variety of purposes over the years. Although it was originally a detention center, it has now been repurposed as a shelter during the winter months for the homeless. The location retains elements of its former structure, such as steel tables in the cafeteria and security features. Renovations have adapted the building to its new use.

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