Постер к "Ted"

Where was Ted filmed


Year: 2012

Genre: Comedy

Country: USA

<p>Ted was filmed in Boston in the United States of America.</p>

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  • 65 Chandler Street (house)

    In movie

    Scene where Lori and John’s apartment.


    Scene was shot The exteriors shots of Lori and John’s apartment were shot on Chandler St., in Boston’s Back Bay. The interior of the apartment was built on a sound stage.

  • Fenway Park

    In movie

    Scene where Ted escaped to the baseball stadium but his kidnapper is at his heels.


    Scene was shot Fenway Park is a baseball park located in Boston, Massachusetts near Kenmore Square. Since 1912, it has been the home for the Boston Red Sox, the city's American League baseball team, and since 1953, its only Major League Baseball (MLB) franchise. It is the oldest ballpark in MLB. Fenway has hosted the World Series ten times, with the Red Sox winning five of them, and the Boston Braves winning one.

  • New England Aquarium

    In movie

    Scene where John tells Ted that he’s going to have to move out of their apartment.


    Scene was shot The New England Aquarium is an aquarium located in Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to the main aquarium building, attractions at the New England Aquarium include the Simons IMAX Theatre and the New England Aquarium Whale Watch, which operates from April through November. The aquarium has more than 22,000 members and hosts more than 1.3 million visitors each year.