Where was The Devil Wears Prada filmed
The Devil Wears Prada
Year: 2006
<p>The Devil Wears Prada was filmed in New York in the United States of America and Paris in France.</p>
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Maison Kayser
In movie
Scene where Andrea and Nate drinking coffee.
Petit Palais
In movie
Scene where Andy decides to walk away and leave Miranda.
Scene was shot Petit Palais is an art museum in the 8th arrondissement of Paris. It was built for the universal exhibition in 1900. It was designed by Charles Girault. It now houses the City of Paris Museum of Fine Arts.You think you see Meryl Streep in the background. But Streep was not in Paris for the filming of the movie. So they must have used a stand-in for this particular shot.The information about the location came from Reddit-user french_do-it-better who recognized the entrance of the building.
Place de la Concorde - Fontaine des Fleuves
In movie
Scene where After Andy leaves Miranda at Paris Fashion Week, she throws her phone into the fountain.
Scene was shot Place de la Concorde has been renamed several times over the years. During the French Revolution, it was appropriately called Place de la Révolution. In the period before the French Revolution, there was a statue of King Louis XV on the Place de la Concorde. During the Revolution, however, this statue was destroyed and had to make way for a guillotine. The guillotine was not just there for show, but was actually used. In two and a half years, more than 1100 executions were carried out on the square. The most famous people to die on the square were King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette. Later, the 23-metre-high obelisk donated to Paris by the Egyptian viceroy Mohamed Ali was erected on the site of the guillotine. The obelisk arrived without the gold-coloured spire it now has; in 1998, the French government commissioned a new pyramid-shaped top to be placed on the obelisk. Next to the obelisk are two large fountains, Fontaine des Fleuves and Fontaine des Mers.