Where was The Good, the Bad and the Ugly filmed
Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo
Year: 1966
Country: Spain
<p>The Good, the Bad and the Ugly was filmed in Almería in Spain.</p>
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Desert Road
In movie
Scene where
Scene was shot This stretch of the Tabernas Desert is a popular filming location for Spaghetti Westerns with its panoramic views of the imposing Sierra de Alhamilla mountains.
Sad Hill Cemetery
In movie
Scene where The three men have a decisive duel.
Scene was shot 49 years after the filming, the cemetery was rebuilt. The reconstruction was recorded in the documentary Sad Hill Unearthed (2017), by Guillermo de Oliveira.
Santa Fe
In movie
Scene where
Scene was shot Constructed in 1965 for the film For a Few Dollars More and originally known as Yucca City, this desert film set was eventually purchased and converted into a tourist attraction with stunt shows, mock bank heists, and other traditional Old West amenities.