Постер к "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"

Where was The Good, the Bad and the Ugly filmed

Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo

Year: 1966

Genre: Adventure, Western

Country: Spain

<p>The Good, the Bad and the Ugly was filmed in Almer&iacute;a in Spain.</p>

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  • Desert Road

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot This stretch of the Tabernas Desert is a popular filming location for Spaghetti Westerns with its panoramic views of the imposing Sierra de Alhamilla mountains.

  • Sad Hill Cemetery

    In movie

    Scene where The three men have a decisive duel.


    Scene was shot 49 years after the filming, the cemetery was rebuilt. The reconstruction was recorded in the documentary Sad Hill Unearthed (2017), by Guillermo de Oliveira.

  • Santa Fe

    In movie

    Scene where


    Scene was shot Constructed in 1965 for the film For a Few Dollars More and originally known as Yucca City, this desert film set was eventually purchased and converted into a tourist attraction with stunt shows, mock bank heists, and other traditional Old West amenities.