Постер к "The Gorge"

Where was The Gorge filmed

The Gorge

Year: 2025

Genre: Action, Fantasy

Country: Norway, USA, United Kingdom

<p>Filming on the action movie about two highly skilled snipers began in March 2023 in London. Production of the movie also took place at Warner Bros. Studios in Leavesden and in Wales. Some of the location shooting took place in Norway, near the R&oslash;uma River.</p>

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  • Airplane

    In movie

    Scene where the hero makes a jump, having just pushed himself off the side of an airplane. The wind roars in his ears, fluttering his clothes and tightening the straps of his parachute as he rushes toward the ground. Beneath him is a majestic mountain abyss: steep cliffs frame the gorge, their peaks covered with snow, and below are green valleys and a narrow, winding river like a silvery thread.


    Scene was shot at Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden is an 80 hectare studio complex in Leavesden in the East of England. The studios were all converted from an aircraft factory and airfield, the center of British aircraft production during World War II. There is an opportunity here to create footage of this scale with incredible special effects, as the studio is one of the largest and most advanced film production facilities in the world.

  • Mountain River

    In movie

    Scene where we see a breathtaking gorge with a river running through it. A helicopter whizzes by in the sky above the water surface. Everything around is covered with fog, which gives the view an ominous and mysterious atmosphere. The main character tells us that she is being sent on a special mission to an unknown place. It seems that it is in this valley that the main events of the movie will take place.


    Scene was shot on the Røuma River in Norway is an incredibly scenic and dramatic location, perfect for a movie where nature becomes an integral part of the story. This river, flowing through valleys and mountainous landscapes, embodies both the power and beauty of northern nature.