Постер к "The Holdovers"

Where was The Holdovers filmed

The Holdovers

Year: 2023

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

<p>Filming took place from January through March 2022 in Massachusetts. Many scenes were filmed at Fairhaven High School in February 2022 during school vacation. During this time, there was a blizzard in the area around the school, much to the delight of the film crew, as many of the scenes took place during the blizzard. They took full advantage of the weather, and the snow you see in the movie was from the actual blizzard.</p>

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  • Bookstore

    In movie

    Scene where our heroes come to a bookstore on the street. There they look at the books on the shelves, already slightly covered with snow. At that moment, a middle-aged lady approaches one of the heroes, offering certain services.


    Scene was shot at 20 West Street in Boston is an atmospheric location for a shoot in the center of a bustling city, where a small gap between houses is transformed into a bookstore. The store looks like a corner where time slows down and every passerby can find something special among the many old and new books.

  • Chapel

    In movie

    Scene where parishioners leaving the church after the Christmas Eve service. The building is covered with frost, and there is soft, almost fairy-tale snow outside. Organ music is playing, and everyone is joyfully wishing each other Merry Christmas. An atmosphere of festivity and celebration reigns in the air.


    Scene was shot The Chapel in Gill, Massachusetts is a historic location perfect for filming due to its architectural style, unique setting and special atmosphere. The Chapel has a traditional neo-Gothic style with tall lancet windows, wooden beams and antique light fixtures. It creates a sense of grandeur and spirituality.

  • City

    In movie

    Scene where Paul pretends that his life has gone uphill and he is writing a book, Light and Magic in the Ancient World. His acquaintances are impressed by this, and they congratulate Paul on this step and personal growth.


    Scene was shot in the center of downtown Worcester, Massachusetts. This location is a vibrant urban location with rich architecture and a distinctive New England atmosphere. The neighborhood is ideal for filming scenes with an urban dynamic where you may happen to run into old acquaintances.