Постер к "The legends of our ancestors"

Where was The legends of our ancestors filmed

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Year: 2025

Genre: Adventure, Fantasy

Country: Russia

<p>Director Ivan Sosnin shot his movie in the Sverdlovsk region and Perm Krai. To match the fantasy plot of the movie about saving mythical creatures from extinction, the film team needed certain locations imbued with a fairy-tale spirit. Filming took place in the village of Sabir in the Shali district, on the territory of the museum in Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha in the Alapaevsky district, and in the city of Yekaterinburg.</p>

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  • Mountain plateau

    In movie

    Scene where The reporter decides to help the forest owner, so he and his daughter embark on a great journey. They need to save the disappearing fantastic creatures and one of the stops in their adventure is the place where the Pillars of Weathering are located


    Scene was shot on the Manpupuner Plateau, located in the Troitsk-Pechora District of the Komi Republic of Russia. The weathering pillars are seven ancient stone columns created by nature. Many legends and legends are connected with them.

  • Subway

    In movie

    Scene where A journalist (Alexander Yatsenko) rides in the subway and begins to see a huge furry creature sitting opposite him in the carriage. The creature turns out to be the owner of the forest, Nyulesmurt. He follows the protagonist down the escalator and asks for help to save his family.


    Scene was shot in the Ekaterinburg subway. The hero lives his ordinary life, riding the subway, walking the streets, but he is followed by a mythical creature. The production team needed to show that the spirit follows the hero all the time, no matter where he is. Also, the comedic component of the spirit's appearance should not be forgotten.

  • Under the bridge

    In movie

    Scene where a man is being chased by a furry something that looks like a Bigfoot. The hero walks along the embankment, passes under the bridge, and behind him on his heels, not lagging a step behind, is a two-meter tall creature. He asks for help and will not leave our hero until it is not given to him


    Scene was shot near the Makarovsky Bridge in Yekaterinburg. This is one of the most picturesque bridges in the city. It is laid across the Iset River. It is a bright calling card of the central embankment, which looks incredibly beautiful in the frame