Where was The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring filmed
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Year: 2001
Genre: Fantasy
Country: New Zealand
<p>The director needed to shoot in very different climatic and visual locations, from forests and lakes to mountains and dungeons. Therefore, it was decided to shoot in New Zealand, where all of the above mentioned types of terrain can be found in a small area. And if you add subsidies from the state and the opportunity to inexpensively take land to build the Shire, the location becomes ideal. By the way, Hobbiton - the village built for filming now also exists and is a tourist attraction. </p>
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Anduin River - Argonates
In movie
Scene where The Fellowship, still in full force, is boating on the river and sails past giant statues, and Aragorn explains to the hobbits that these are monuments built by the kings of antiquity - Argonaths, and they stand on the Anduin River.
Scene was shot This was shot on the mountainous and not very wide Kawarau River, which flows in the Gibston area on the North Island of New Zealand. This river was chosen because it forms a deep canyon in the rocks, where the monuments fit quite harmoniously, as well as for the unusual blue color of the water. Naturally, they were not built, but simply added with the help of computer graphics.
Anduin river
In movie
Scene where At the end of the movie, while all the members of the brotherhood are dealing with a detachment of Urukhaean orcs Frodo gets into a boat to continue the journey alone is already preparing to cross the river, but Sam jumps in and does not let him go alone.
Scene was shot on Lake Mavora, New Zealand. Although in the movie it is also the Anduin River, as well as the location with the kings of antiquity, but it was filmed in a different place, because it was needed not a view in the canyon, but gentle banks and a wide channel, and even with a forest near the shore, as the squad faced the orcs in the forest. The desired view was found at Mavora Lake and it was decided to shoot there. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Adventure was filmed in the same place.
Bruinen River
In movie
Scene where Arwen arrives at the tower when Frodo has been wounded by a ghost and decides to take him to his father in Rivendell, but on the way they are chased. The Nazgûl riders try to kill the elf and the hobbit, but Arwen uses magic and with the help of the power of nature washes away the pursuers with a stream of water.
Scene was shot on the Shotover River, which flows in the Skippers Canyon in New Zealand. It is a small mountain river, which in summer time turns into a stream. That's why it was chosen for filming, it flows out of a gorge, but it is shallow and surrounded by very sloping banks, which made the location ideal for filming the horseback chase.
In movie
Scene where Gandalf comes to Isengard to inform his cult leader Saruman that the Ring of Power has been found in the Shire and has been kept by the Hobbits all this time. The conversation begins during a walk through the gardens around the fortress, but ends inside the building.
Scene was shot in Harcourt Park, interestingly, it's a very small park and it's practically in the center of town. There are plenty of places to picnic and walk around. In 1999, the park was not well known, so very few people visited it, and it could be filmed with minimal inconvenience, which the film crew took advantage of.
Roots of the trees
In movie
Scene where
Scene was shot in a park in the center of Wellington, New Zealand. For this scene, a large artificial tree with a special root system was created, in which 4 adults could hide, only on the screen emulating halflings.
In movie
Scene where Gandalf is traveling through the Shire on his wagon, and is looked down upon by all the locals, but on the way he meets Frodo Baggins, who is delighted to see him. They continue on their way together when local children follow them and ask the wizard to show them a trick.
Scene was shot The Hobbiton site, where a giant set of an entire hobbit town was built, was an important location for the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit films. The site is located on a family farm about 8 km west of Hinuera and 10 km southwest of Matamata, in Waikato, New Zealand, and is now a popular tourist destination.