Poster The Matrix 1999

Where was The Matrix filmed

1999, Action
Filming country: Australia

The Matrix was filmed in Sydney in Australia.

The Westin Hotel Sydney

In movie

Scene where While walking the stairs Neo has a deja vu. The team realize they've walked in an ambush.



Martin Place

In movie

Scene where Morpheus shows Neo the woman in the red dress.



Allianz Building

In movie

Scene where After saving Morpheus, Neo and Morpheus land on the roof top. And Neo saves Trinity who crashes with the helicopter.


Scene was shot The Allianz Centre was completed in 1990. It is a high rise commercial office building with a car parking, ground floor food court, a service retail area and 17 upper levels of office accommodation. Allianz Australia uses the building as its headquarters. In 2020 the company is going to move to Wynyard Place.

Adam Street Bridge

In movie

Scene where Neo meets Morpheus at the Adams Street Bridge.


Scene was shot When Neo looks out of the open door of the Lincoln he is in fact looking North up Castlereagh Street. The Lincoln would be facing west on Campbell Street after exiting the tunnel (thanks to J Sarkozi for the feedback).

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