“The Monkey” is an American comedy horror film based on the Stephen King short story of the same name. The movie begins with twin brothers Hal and Bill stumbling upon their father's antique toy monkey in the attic and witnessing a series of horrifying deaths unfolding around them. Principal photography took place in Vancouver from February 5 to March 22, 2024.
In movie
Scene where Bill calls his brother Hal to report that the monkey has returned and is bringing death after him. Hal offers to destroy the devil doll, but it's too late. Right before his eyes, a bare wire falls into the pool where a girl is about to jump into....
Scene was shot Vancouver, located in the province of British Columbia, Canada. The city is one of the most popular locations for filming movies and TV series. It is famous not only for its natural scenery, but also for its diverse architecture, including modern homes, luxury hotels and stylish historic buildings perfect for cinematic scenes. Many movies and TV series have used the interiors and facades of local hotels, including The Monkey.
The house on the hill
In movie
Scene where a man in a bathrobe rushing down a hill with his head engulfed in flames. That's what happens after burnout at work. It's a joke, of course. In fact, it's another prank by the devil's toy, Monkey. Its sinister power time after time provokes gruesome, sometimes ridiculous, but always inevitable deaths, becoming the cause of countless tragedies.
Scene was shot in the town of Maple Ridge, Canada. This location is ideal for filming due to its diverse landscape. The town is surrounded by dense forests, rivers and picturesque hills, creating the perfect setting for films that require natural or secluded locations.
Maple Ridge