The American supernatural horror film directed by Leigh Whannell is a reboot of the 1941 film of the same name. The movie was filmed in picturesque New Zealand, whose landscapes added to the story's ominous beauty and suspense. The main scenes were shot in the rural area of Mangaroa, near Upper Hutt. This location, with its secluded atmosphere and rugged natural setting, was the perfect backdrop for a story about the supernatural.
In movie
Scene where After a car accident, the heroes flee to a shelter - a small cabin surrounded by forest. The bright cozy building becomes a lifesaver for the family, fleeing in panic from the danger and horror that lurks in the wilds.
Scene was shot Mangaroa is a rural settlement near the town of Upper Hatta in the lower North Island of New Zealand. It includes vacation quarters and farms surrounded by hills that are usually covered with a layer of snow in winter. This is where the heroes found shelter.
In movie
Scene where The father turns into a wolf, and the threat of being bitten on the side no longer seems so innocent. Mother and child have to hide in the dark forest with weapons in their hands. The tense scene becomes even more terrifying when the dense forest wilds are seen in the background.
Scene was shot Not far from Wellington, where sprawling forests create a terrifying atmosphere for the movie. In this way, the forest becomes not just a natural background, but a living thing that fills every frame with an unsettling sense of danger.