Постер к "Zhdun"

Where was Zhdun filmed


Year: 2025

Genre: Comedy, Fantasy

Country: Russia

<p>Abrau-Durso has a special significance for the movie &ldquo;Zhdun&rdquo;, as it is the place where the alien spaceship crashes. This place becomes key to the development of the plot, where the story of Zhdun&#39;s adventures on Earth begins. Abrau-Durso is also the village where the family of Nikita, the main character of the movie, lives and where they help Zhdun repair his ship. The picturesque scenery of Abrau-Durso, including the lake and surrounding mountains, provides a beautiful backdrop for filming, making the movie more visually appealing. The choice of this location allows for unique sci-fi scenes, which is perfect for an alien adventure story. Abrau-Durso, with its rich history and cultural significance, adds depth to the movie, though the focus is on the adventures of Zhdun and Nikita&#39;s family. Overall, Abrau-Durso is the perfect place to create memorable scenes for the movie.</p>

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  • Lakefront

    In movie

    Scene where The streets of the city are shrouded in silence, in the frame Mikhail Semyonov, hurrying to do business. He runs along the embankment of the lake, next to the directional signs around the city. Meanwhile, Nikita's gaze is fixed on the telescope lens, and he notices an unusual phenomenon - something falls from the sky, leaving a trail behind it. Nikita's grandfather, assures him that it's just a trace of an airplane. Soon Nikita discovers that it is not a trace of an airplane, but the crash of a spaceship, which fell near Abrau-Durso. This event will be the beginning of an incredible adventure for Nikita and his family when they meet the kind alien Zhdun.


    Scene was shot On the embankment of Lake Abrau-Durso is a picturesque place with a stunning view of the lake and the surrounding mountains. The Petit Cafe restaurant located here adds a cozy and modern atmosphere to the place. This location was chosen for the filming of the movie "The Waiting Man" because of its natural beauty and the opportunity to create memorable scenes. Next to the Petit Cafe restaurant on the waterfront of Lake Abrau-Durso is a directional sign for the town, which can be seen in the trailer shot. This signpost adds realism to the scene and emphasizes the picturesque nature of the filming location. It serves as a visual element to help viewers better understand the geography of the location and connect it to the real world.

  • The crash site of the Zhdun's ship

    In movie

    Scene where Nikita could not accept what he saw in the sky. He took his bicycle and rode to the place of the fall, which was near the grape fields in the hills outside the city. When he pulled up to the spot, he saw the fallen spaceship and a kind alien named Zhdun. The Zhdun, with his cute and kind face, just sat with his eyes closed and waited. However, Nikita is in danger. A local swindler-businessman, who dreams to get alien technology, has already learned about the crash of the ship and now seeks to capture Zhdun and his spaceship. Nikita will not only help Zhdun return home, but also protect him from the villains' intrigues.


    Scene was shot Not far from the farmstead of Dyurso, near where the vineyards of the famous champagne factory are located. This picturesque location with its rolling hills and vineyards provides a beautiful backdrop for the scene where Nikita rides his bicycle to the crash site of the spaceship. The grape plantations surrounding the farm of Dyurso add a unique atmosphere to the location, combining natural beauty with the region's winemaking history. This location was chosen for its accessibility and the opportunity to create memorable scenes that fit the plot of the movie.